Project Presentations at the International Medieval Congress at Leeds, 2022

Catch Project Director and Primary Investigator Steven Bednarski and Project Collaborator Geneviève Dumas presenting at the International Medieval Congress at Leeds, 2o22. The details of their panel is listed below.

1236: The Mediterranean and Southern France, II: Beyond Braudel - The State of Medieval Environmental History

Wednesday, 6 July, 15:15 - 16:45 CEST

During the Middle Ages, political borders did not isolate southern France from its Mediterranean neighbors. The sessions in this series are designed to bring the region's rich historiography out of its local context and to connect southern France to the field of Mediterranean studies. This session, featuring a team of Canada-based speakers, explores key themes in the environmental history of southern France. Although historians were slow to embrace the concept of nature as an historical protagonist, as called for by Braudel, interest has accelerated in the last decade as scholars have grafted new, interdisciplinary approaches onto more traditional historical inquiries.

Organizer: John H. Arnold, Faculty of History, University of Cambridge
Moderator: Daniel Smail, Department of History, Harvard University

The State of Medieval Environmental History in the Mediterranean
Steven Bednarski, Department of History, University of Waterloo, Ontario

Étudier les perturbations climatiques au Moyen Âge: L'exemple de Montpellier et son arrière-pays (Sud de France)
Lucie Galano, Centre d'Études Médiévales de Montpellier (CEMM - EA 4583), Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 & Geneviève Dumas, Département d'histoire, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec

The Migration of Birds across Late Antique and Early Medieval Arts
Danielle Joyner, Department of Art History, Lawrence University, Wisconsin


New Article: Unprecedented frequency of mitochondrial introns in colonial bilaterians


The source of the Black Death